👉 We are bringing exciting updates to your Daily Earnings so that you earn more from the same activities! Now, every activity counts, whether you’re just taking a gentle run or out for a hard ride, every bit of effort is recognised and rewarded. This inclusive approach ensures that all forms of activity, big or small, are valued.📈

👉If you’re new to Muuvr, it gets even better. You’ll start earning from day one because we take into account historical activity data from your connected device. This means you’ll earn BIG from the start!🫰 

👉 We have given your Activity Level & Daily Earnings screens a bit of a makeover as well. The key information you need, like your current Activity Level, how much EXP you need to earn to keep your level, and your progress over the past 90 days, is now front and centre. 🎯

👉On your activity level page you will also find your 90-day EXP breakdown, showing you cool stuff like, average EXP earned per week, and your activities and their contributions to your overall total. Recent studies conducted at Muuvr HQ, CAN confirm checking these stats does become addictive. Sorry, not sorry.


👉 Soon, you will be able to explore the Muuvr Marketplace featuring the biggest names in sports nutrition, events and money can’t buy experiences via the Discover page in the app. 🛒

👉 In the next release, you will also get an updated Muuvs Balance screen, to show you interesting stats and how to earn more with Muuvr. 🤑


👉 Visit your ‘YOU’ page here and tap your ‘Activity Level’ to view the updates (it’s located to the right of your avatar).